Amount of plastic waste each year keeps on escalating, therefore our planet’s livability rate decreases as the quality of space and environment impacted by it has totally affected us human beings and other living things around us. Plastic that ends up in waterways, oceans and even landfills are all caused by human activities and lifestyle, however us humans, as we hold the most responsibility and consciousness in planet earth, we should be responsible enough to hold all the consequences, and try to fix it for a better future.
To have a greener and a less polluted planet, what we have to do is start maintaining a sustainable and green lifestyle. And no worries, we have provided a list of ways to reduce plastic waste and to have a better future. Remember, it all starts with you!
Replace plastic
bags with
reusable bags
Replace single use water bottles with reusable water bottles
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Reduce, reuse and recycle your plastic waste
Compost your food waste
Replace your toiletries with reusable ones
Start bringing your own reusable utensils
Upcycle glassware for food or even item storage
Use wooden,
paper or
sustainable exfoliators (Always check
the ingredients
of your
Replace pads
with reusable
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