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Or visit them at:

Jl. Dago Pakar Barat No.3 Bandung 40198,

Desa Ciburial, Kec. Cimenyan

Jawa Barat – Indonesia

Yayasan Sahabat Lingkungan Hidup was established in 2002 at Ledeng, Bandung. It was initially founded to build environmental awareness for the younger generations. To this day, Yayasan Sahabat Lingkungan Hidup has developed many programs and camp events with the aim of educating participants on environmental values and knowledge. 



“Manusia berkualitas. Merawat bumi dan berguru pada bumi.”


1. Bersama masyarakat dunia, mengupayakan habitus baru yang berpihak pada keutuhan ciptaan.

2. Membangun generasi muda yang memiliki kesadaran akan lingkungan hidup yang lebih baik.

3. Mengembangkan pendidikan nilai berbasis lingkungan hidup.

4. Meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup melalui edukasi, konservasi, penelitian, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.

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Or visit them at:

Jl. Batik Uwit No. 1 Kelurahan Sukaluyu, 

Kecamatan Cibeuying Kaler,

Bandung 40123

YPBB Bandung is a non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in 1993. They are committed to build higher living standards for communities through helping the environment, promoting organic lifestyle, and advocating zero-waste campaigns. 

As a community based organization, YPBB Bandung also provides educational programs, group support, community organizing, and technological and infrastructure support. 



“Terciptanya kehidupan manusia yang berkualitas tinggi melalui gaya hidup selaras alam.”


“Membantu dan mendukung masyarakat dalam memahami dan menerapkan gaya hidup organis untuk mencapai kualitas hidup yang tinggi melalui gaya hidup ramah lingkungan (organis) yang akan dicapai melalui program-program pendidikan.”

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Or visit them at:

Jl. Citamiang No. 6, Sukamaju, 

Kec. Cibeunying Kidul, 

Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40121

Greeneration Foundation is a non-governmental organization that focuses on principles of sustainable consumption and production through the use of creative media. The Bandung-Based organization was founded in 2006. Later in 2010, PT. Greeneration Indonesia (Corporate legal) was officially established. As of recently, Greeneration Foundation has participated in countless programs throughout Indonesia and expanded its team of representatives in Jakarta. 



“Terwujudnya lingkungan yang harmonis melalui implementasi prinsip konsumsi dan produksi yang berkelanjutan.”


  • Mendorong perubahan perilaku publik berdasarkan prinsip produksi dan konsumsi yang berkelanjutan.

  • Mengadvokasi perbaikan kebijakan publik yang menciptakan tata kelola produksi dan konsumsi yang berkelanjutan.

  • Membangun kemitraan lintas pemangku kepentingan yang menjunjung prinsip produksi dan konsumsi yang berkelanjutan.

  • Meningkatkan kapabilitas, akuntabilitas, dan efektivitas kelembagaan dalam mewujudkan produksi dan konsumsi yang berkelanjutan.

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Or visit them at:

Get Plastic Foundation

Jl. Ash Shirot no.25 RT 09 RW 04 Lobang Buaya, 

Cipayung, Jakarta Timur 


Get Plastic Learning Centre

Jalan Raya Gerih, Sibang Kaja, 

Kabupaten Badung, Bali

Get Plastic Foundation is a collective association of institutions that shares an objective of encouraging people to care more of their plastic waste and detrimental impacts on the environment. In 2018-2020, the foundation formulated a program framework “to address issues related to the impact of existing plastic waste”. They have also partnered with recognized organizations such as WWF, Allianz, GrabFood, etc. 


Vision and Mission

We want to give awareness to the public through the simple technology “plastic to fuel” that processes plastic into fuel. With hope in the future, the reduction of the plastic waste pile is accompanied by community actions to sort and make it valuable

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Project Planet is a non-profit organization that facilitates access to information and promotes activities surrounding sustainability. It was founded on 12 February 2020 with the purpose of establishing a platform on environmental and social issues. Within the span of two years, Project Planet has participated in numerous social events, fairs, and movements. Currently, Project Planet is launching their shop. Check them out!



“To make Indonesia environmentally and socially mindful in policies, actions, and responsibility and collectively work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals no. 10 and 13.”


“To build an Informed, passionate, and conscious community consisting of 5.000.000 members worldwide, by providing a platform to cultivate initiatives against environmental and social issues in Indonesia.”

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